Study in Korea



GKS Notice

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Global Korea Scholarship

(For Koreans) Study Abroad Scholarship Program
  • ① 온라인 사전설명회 : '24. 4. 18.(목) 15:00 ☞ 유튜브 「국립국제교육원 NIIED」채널을 통한 생방송 송출예정
  • ② 응시원서 시스템 입력 : ’24 5. 13.(월) 09:00 ~ 5. 29.(수) 16:00까지
  • ③ 서류 등기우편 제출 : ’24. 5. 31.(금) 도착분까지 접수
    • ※한능검 70회차 응시자는 별도로 6.5.(수) 17:00까지 메일(로 반드시 성적표를 제출해야하며 미제출 시 제출서류 누락자로 심사대상에서 제외
  • ④ 1차 서류심사 예정일 : ‘24. 6. 15.(토)
  • ⑤ 1차 서류전형 합격자 발표 : ’24. 6. 21.(금)
  • ⑥ 2차 면접시험 : ’24. 7. 12.(금)
  • ⑦ 최종 합격자 발표 : ’24. 7. 19.(금)
  • ⑧ 합격자 사전 교육 : ’24. 7. 26.(금)
    • ☞ 합격자에 한하여 세부사항 추후 통보
2024 GKS-G Online Application System for Bangladeshi and Italian Applicant(Embassy track Only)
  • 1) Make sure to read the 2024 GKS-G Application Guideline
  • 2) Register and submit the online application (enter and upload applicant information and application details): 2024.2.21.(Wed) 10:00~2024.3.15.(Fri) 15:00 (Korea time)
  • 3) Print out the application form and submit original documents by mail: Contact each referral organization (Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Bangladesh, Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Italy)
  • 4) Announcement of successful applicants for the first round: Contact each referral organization
  • 5) Announcement of successful applicants for the second round: Early May 2024, NIIED
  • 6) The period of the third round: By June 7, 2024, Universities
  • 7) Announcement of final successful candidates: End of June 2024, NIIED
    • ** Details will be notified to successful applicants only.

Information on available scholarships

We aim to promote international educational exchanges and goodwill between countries by offering foreign students opportunities to study in Korean institutes of higher education.